mapped in the stars along with all the many paths we are free to choose.
Choose your path and enjoy the journey.
Every experience is a step for growth
How astrology happens
How could we possibly claim not to be part of the same energy moving the rest of the universe? We are one with the energy surrounding us.
Earth and sky work in perfect synchronicity and we are part of that universal connection. We reflect that synchronicity and experience it every day through our thoughts, feelings and actions.
Astrology interprets the pulse of the cosmos moving through us to understand the paths we have chosen to walk during our lifetime. An astrological consultation will show you what your personal map looks like to help you to understand the potentials that maintain harmony with your life purpose.
Feel free to contact me
to find out more about your natal chart
or visit the astrology tab on this website.
Yoga is not exercise
Yoga promotes unity between body and soul. It is important to understand that it must go beyond the yoga mat: it is an attitude to life built with awareness and introspection.
To view yoga as an exercise routine is a misunderstanding. Yoga should open your heart and connect you from within. If the knowledge we hold about the self is fragmented and shallow, yoga can integrate its multiple dimensions: physical body, emotions and thoughts.
This is why you shouldn't try yoga as a physical workout. Embrace yoga as a way of life, acknowledging your true nature: you are your own instructor, your own guide and your own guru. My role as a yoga teacher is to help you find simple ways in which you can discover the wisdom already within you.
Astrología y Yoga en Español
El conocimiento detrás de las practicas de yoga y la astrología tiene orígenes milenarios y ambos nos invitan a comprender que somos energía.
Como astróloga interpreto las estrellas mediante cartas astrales
que son mapas del cosmos conectados con cada persona de manera individual y única. La astrología nos muestra la multitud de opciones que tenemos para evolucionar sin limitar nuestro potencial humano. Una consulta astrológica
busca llegar a una comprensión profunda de nuestras circunstancias respetando nuestro lugar como seres activos y miembros del universo.
Ofrezco clases de yoga
personalizadas o en grupos integrando prácticas físicas con las dimensiones psicológicas que impactan todas las areas de la experiencia humana. Es un error considerar que practicar yoga es lo mismo que ejercitar solamente el cuerpo físico. Yoga es unión y como tal considera cuerpo, emociones y pensamientos en armonía.
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